2015 Blake Satter Sponsorship Resume

We have been working with Blake Statter and his Dad Mike Satter for a couple years now from designing Blake’s sponsorship resumes to his autograph posters. Be sure to check out the 2015 Blake Satter Sponsorship Resume we designed along with his matching autograph poster!

2015 Callan May Sponsorship Resume

New Zealand native, Callan May, came to us this year after putting in a stellar rookie season in the GNCC Racing XC2 Pro Lites Class. Be sure to check out the 2015 Callan May Sponsorship Resume we designed!

2015 Mike Witkowski Sponsorship Resume

We have been working with Mike Witkowski for a couple years now. From designing his sponsorship resumes to autograph posters, Mike has been a great client of ours and he knows the importance of having a great looking sponsorship resume and other marketing materials that promote himself and his sponsors.

2015 Lucas Statom Sponsorship Resume

Lucas Statom Resume

GNCC, NEPG, OMA, & MAXC Dirt Bike Racer Lucas Statom has had [email protected] design his sponsorship resume for the last couple years. Statom now works for Jason Raines helping run Yamaha Demos along with racing on the weekends. Be sure to check out Lucas Statom’s 2015 Sponsorship Resume.